
In a horror movie, an eclipse—a surreal occurrence that can shroud a sunny day in total darkness, or blot the moon from the night sky—is an excellent way to telegraph that


Tubi has tons of movies, but it also has a robust TV selection, particularly in the realms of curiously specific reality shows.


We’ll never understand how certain pockets of the internet vilify Kathleen Kennedy. Since Kennedy became the president of Lucasfilm in 2012, she’s been ins


As 2023 draws to a close, the io9 staff has had to admit something about ourselves: we watch a lot of TV.


Every month, the io9 Nerd’s Watch rounds up the best sci-fi, fantasy, and horror titles coming to streamers like


From iconic directors and legendary actors, to big corporations and famous name brands, it seems everyone in Hollywood has something incredible to say about William Friedkin.


Before Jaws, most beachgoers didn’t worry about getting chomped by sharks.