
Sometimes, you need a little comfort food—and at io9, that can mean “re-watching a favorite Star Wars show” or “guzzling midnight margaritas while watching Sandra Bul


Months after the live-action adaptation of the popular manga/anime One Piece released, Netflixis anime remake of One Piece. Really.


As 2023 draws to a close, the io9 staff has had to admit something about ourselves: we watch a lot of TV.


Usually when we’re talking about a new Hot Toys figure, it’s often to gush about how the company has managed to create another eerily accurate little Hollywood homunculus. This time, the eerie vibes are still there, but perhaps for... other reasons.


Last week, Netflix’s One Piece live-action show landed massive praise across the board from old fans and new viewers alike.


At turns action-packed and emotional, One Piece is really working hard to convince fans that it’s going to do right by the manga.


Next week, the live-action adaptation of One Piece finally sets sail, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say it has a lot to live up to.