
A California bill that attempts to regulate large frontier AI models is creating a dramatic standoff over the future of AI. For years, AI has been divided into “accel” and “decel”.


There was once a time when Sam Altman, CEO of titanic tech company OpenAI, was the apple of Silicon Valley’s eye. The days when the executive’s reputation was unimpeachable may be waning, however.

Tech Insider
Junta Nakai headshot
Junta Nakai is a global vice president and head of financial services, cybersecurity and sustainability at Databricks.
Tech Insider
Eric Newcomer (left), with Amjad Masad, CEO of Replit (center), and Clem Delangue, CEO of Hugging Face (right)
Eric Newcomer (left), with Amjad Masad, CEO of Replit (center), and Clem Delangue, CEO of Hugging Face (right)
Tech Insider
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