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Twenty-four years after it, alongside the X-Wing, launched Lego Star Wars’ sublime Ultimate Collector Series line, the TIE Interceptor screamed to life this past weekend as Lego’s latest big-ticket Star Wars model


In another life, the E-Wing was meant to replace the iconic X-Wing as the go-to starfighter of Star Wars’ post-Return of the Jedi fiction.


Just four “hero” X-Wings were created by ILM to film Star Wars’ climactic battle over Yavin IV against the Death Star—primary models detailed enough to be used for close-up shots and major action sequences.


When the Star Wars Expanded Universe began to take nascent steps towards building a world beyond the original movie trilogy, it dug into the same questions Disney and Lucasfilm explored decades later in creating the sequel trilogy. What does Star Wars look like in this new time?