
The oil company Shell is facing some heat from climate activists for its collaboration with the influencers of the popular battle royale video game Fortnite, during which the game’s young user base was encouraged to participate in a gas-fueled virtual road trip.



On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Meta plans to charge European users $17 a month for an ad-free version of Instagram and Facebook.


A new investigation shows that YouTube has a bug that allows users to upload hardcore pornography to its platform. To make matters funnier, it isn’t exactly clear that YouTube knows how to fix the bug or that it is capable of taking down all the explicit material that has been uploaded.



The GOP’s biggest gripes with big tech content moderation will have their day in the United States’ highest court.


How many times have you watched a TikTok or YouTube short and thought “This is fun, but what if there were some strange pandas desperately trying to shove coffee from a morphing teacup into their nose or maw?” Great news.


In July 2022, TikTok introduced a tool called Filter Video Keywords to let users block videos with words or hashtags they did not want to see.


YouTube is changing its community guidelines to give creators more leeway for violating its content rules, the company announced on Tuesday. Content creators will now have the opportunity to take an educational training course that reviews why their video violated the guidelines.


Google is pinky-swearing it will be more transparent in the future about how and why you keep seeing the same ads that seem to know you much better than you know yourself, though only if you live in the European Union.



Montana’s lawsuit-hungry attorney general Austin Knudsen wants US courts to think of TikTok less like a light-hearted home for viral trends and more akin to the harbinger of a life-threatening disease.


Twitch is finally letting streamers block out those viewers they’ve already banned from chat. However, these bans won’t be based on any user identifier beyond accounts, so the various kinds of insufferable Twitch-holes who are dedicated enough could still find ways to watch.