Tech Insider
Brent Underwood
Brent Underwood took up residence in a California ghost town in 2020.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Travel
remote worker Asia
A California millennial says secretly working two remote jobs helped him pay for a $9,000 honeymoon in Asia. Worker in the story not pictured.
Tech Insider
Wendy and Kury Meyer pose for a photo together in California.
Wendy and Kurt Meyer moved back to Orange County, California, in December after nearly two years in Iowa.
Tech Insider : Economy
Three Victorian homes in a row on a steep hill on Fillmore Street in the Cow Hollow neighborhood of San Francisco, California, August 28, 2016.
Menswear writer Derek Guy pays much more in rent than he'd like to. He says he'll likely never be able to afford to own a home.
Tech Insider
A California family survived a plane crash after deploying a parachute system.
A California family survived a plane crash after deploying a parachute system.
Tech Insider
Sign for the fast food brand Taco Bell on 17th November 2023 in London, United Kingdom
A Taco Bell franchisee has shut the dining rooms of some restaurants in Oakland over crime fears, CNN reported.