Tech Insider
A photo of Dennis Hutson (right) with his brother-in-law Kayode Kadara (left).
Dennis Hutson (right) co-bought the land for TAC farm with his sister and brother-in-law Kayode Kadara (left).
Tech Insider : Environment

A photo of John Brooks Hamby walking with other people.
John Brooks Hamby is in charge of California's negotiations to the Colorado River.
Tech Insider
grimes musk
Elon Musk alleged in court documents that friends told Canadian musician Grimes (Claire Boucher) to litigate her custody case against him in California, where a a child support payout could be higher.
Tech Insider
Grimes (left) claims Elon Musk (right) and their three children have strong ties to California and the billionaire's Texas lawsuit should be thrown out.
Grimes (left) claims Elon Musk (right) and their three children have strong ties to California and the billionaire's Texas lawsuit should be thrown out.