
These days, movie theater owners will do nearly anything to lure fans back to the big screen—and elaborately themed popcorn buckets have become an important part of that strategy.


Project Hail Mary continues to expand its cast. An Uncharted sequel is actually happening. The Street Fighter movie has lost its directors. Plus, Jordan Peele’s next mystery project has a release date, and more familiar faces are confirmed for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Spoilers now!



Taylor Swift, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, and Shawn Levy walked into a Kansas City Chiefs game last year and the internet exploded.


Deadpool proved once again that it is a franchise that loves to be in on the joke this week, with its own answer to the infamous Dune popcorn bucket that invites to cram that hand all the way down Hugh Jackman’s proverbial throat. And if that wasn’t enough for you to catch up on, we’ve got Lucasfilm taking a stand…