
The music streaming wars centered around Apple Music and (the now TikTok-ifieid) Spotify have calcified in recent years.


Apple Music already has a selection of classical music for all the folks still hung up on the melodies of Beethoven or Bach, but the app offers little for any music lovers looking to engage in any new compositions in the long-form, classical style. Well, after about two years of work, Apple’s finally got the answer…


Imagine you’re stuck in your daily commute and listening to a riveting audiobook, your mind far away and swimming with scenes of action and romance, only to be jettisoned back into reality when your listening is interrupted with an advertisement for, say, Pampers or Geico cutting in.



Spotify announced it is changing its user interface by replacing the universal heart icon and the “add to playlist” button with the plus symbol. The change will allow users to not only save music, but to add a song, playlist, or podcast to a specific destination with the two-in-one combo button.



Spotify has unveiled a new feature to help curate your music that is fueled by artificial intelligence. The company’s new AI DJ, aptly named “DJ,” helps guide you through your listening experience by feeding you music it thinks you’ll love along with computer-generated commentary on what makes those songs great.



Spotify users reported outages on the streaming service beginning at about 1 p.m. ET on Thursday, saying the primary issues are app-related.