
Ángel Manuel Soto’s Blue Beetle ushered in the new era at DC Studios under James Gunn and Peter Safran, and while critics (including io9) enjoyed it,


This past summer, Warner Bros. released its other swan song to the DCEU in Blue Beetle.


Warner Bros. has spent years announcing (and quietly canceling) DC movies of all different shades, which made it a bit of a surprise that a movie based on Blue Beetle actually made it to release.


The new era of DC Studios is kicked off with Blue Beetle, originally part of the old regime, it now starts off James Gunn and Peter Safran’s


Social reactions for Blue Beetle buzz with excitement, marking an auspicious future for DC Studios’ clean cinematic start for its upcoming


Prepare yourselves for the power of the Scarab: in just a few weeks, DC Studios will see a newcomer arrive on the big screen in the form of fan-favorite comic book superhero Blue Beetle.