
For the most part, The Acolyte has set itself apart from the rest of Star Wars—both in terms of its placement in the timeline, a hundred years before the preque


Star Wars has long been a little in love with itself, for better or worse—familiar faces and locales showing up over and over, nods to familiar events, and of course, lines that become something akin to catchphrases.


After a big month for spacey goodness in May, Lego is bringing things back down to earth for its June releases—or back down to Middle-earth in particular, with th


In more than ways than one, The Acolyte is being poisitioned as a different Star Wars show than the other live-action offerings.


Oreo has dropped a collaboration with Lucasfilm featuring special edition Star Wars sandwich cookies.


The Star Wars Universe gets turned upside down in Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy, a fun what-if style series. When ordinary nerf-herder Sig Greebling (Gaten Matarazzo) unearths a powerful artifact from a hidden Jedi temple, the galaxy as we know completely changes.


No one deserves their much-delayed accolades as part of the Star Wars franchise more than Ahmed Best, who portrayed Jar Jar Binks in George Lucas’ prequel trilogy.