
There’s a tightrope every gaming laptop needs to walk, and it is truly so difficult to balance everything before tipping over one edge or the other. You want something that most people can afford, with all the bells and whistles, and you want it to feel good and look good.


Nvidia could soon dethrone Apple as the second-most-valuable global company by market cap.



One thing has been ridiculously clear in my 15-plus-year career reviewing consumer tech. I’m a size queen when it comes to laptops, particularly gaming laptops. I was bereft when Dell put the original Alienware 18 out to pasture and spent a number of years requesting its return.


If Conan the Barbarian was a desktop gaming PC enthusiast, and you asked him what is best in life, his answer would probably be the standard “crush those framerates… see the pixels driven before you… hear the lamentations of your CPU fan,” or something of that nature. He’d want the biggest desktop, the biggest GPU,…



The age of gaming laptops has truly come into its own. In the last few years, the biggest PC makers have managed to get their gaming-minded brands to such a state you can probably find a good-quality portable gaming machine for almost any budget (so long as you don’t mind spending close to $1,000 or likely much more…



Many of us grew up in the age when playing PC games at their highest settings required a hefty rig.


Let me guess: your young cousin is shoving their Windows laptop into your hands and begging you to let them know if they can play Cyberpunk 2077. Ignoring the age rating on the box, you’re probably looking for the kid’s computer’s GPU.


Since Alienware first unveiled its Aurora R16 last year, I’ve been jonesing to see it in person. The brand had been synonymous with high-end, though strange—often polarizing designs for a while now.


If there’s one thing in the gaming laptop space that doesn’t get enough attention, it’s the sub-$1,000 category. It’s all about give and take for a low-price, portable laptop. You want portability, but you need quality performance. You want a bright, beautiful display to show off in-game graphics, but you need a…



The Razer Blade 16, long the north star of gaming laptops emphasizing portability and power, is prettier (and far more expensive) than ever before.