
A family advocacy group called Parents Together published an open letter Thursday demanding a meeting with the heads of Meta and ByteDance, arguing that the companies knowingly expose children to a variety of dire threats, including the risk of


Police charged twenty-three additional people with domestic terrorism felonies in Atlanta, Georgia this week, after arresting dozens in alleged association with ongoing protests against the construction of a


Employees of one of the largest LGBTQ+ nonprofits in the country—The Trevor Project—are facing abuse from the Far Right, and they claim that the organization is not properly supporting its crisis hotline staff.



A customer service agent for Ring, Amazon’s home-surveillance company, told a concerned user that a Politico article about the company’s privacy problems was a “hoax” perpetrated by one of its competitors.



Don’t worry, helpless insurance companies: the Texas Legislature is here to protect you from big, bad environmentalists. A Texas state senator said during a panel discussion last week at a conference put on by a prominent climate-denier think tank that the state legislature would focus on rolling out legislation this…


Twitter CEO and supreme overlord Elon Musk apologized to former employee Haraldur Thorleifsson for mocking his disability, proving that even tech’s biggest villain has a heart, or at the very least the sense to smell a huge incoming lawsuit.


A bill introduced Thursday in response to the reversal of Roe v. Wade would enshrine first-of-its kind protections for location data and health information. If it passes, it has the potential to be one of the most significant privacy laws in American history.