Tech Insider
A composite photo of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman (left), Edward Snowden (middle), and former NSA head Paul Nasokone (right).
A composite photo of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Edward Snowden, and former NSA head Paul Nakasone.

Last week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California released a ruling that concluded state highway police were acting lawfully when they forcibly unlocked a suspect’s phone using their fingerprint. You probably didn’t hear about it. The case didn’t get a lot of coverage, especially because the courts weren’t…



Axon, the public safety contractor that popularized the Taser, has launched a new product that is less actively terrifying but still vaguely concerning: an AI-powered software program that lets cops automate their police reports.

Gizmodo : Politics

This week, Congress is expected to vote on a bill that would update key federal surveillance authorities. The legislation has been packaged by its proponents as a reform but is, in reality, an attempt to vastly expand the government’s spying powers, privacy advocates say.



Law enforcement in Kansas recorded the front of a man’s home for 68 days straight, 15 hours a day, and obtained evidence to prove him guilty on 16 charges. The officers did not have a search warrant, using a camera on a pole positioned across the street to capture Bruce Hay’s home.


Airbnb is banning all indoor security cameras at properties worldwide, according to an announcement published online Monday.

Tech Insider
vending machine
More vending machines could soon have facial recognition tech.
Tech Insider
person looks at nypd subway robot
This person staring plaintively at the robot is, surprisingly, not me.