
Sometimes, the only thing that can get you through a long day of work is having a hot meal halfway through it. That’s not always an option if you’re stuck on a construction site, or even on the road, unless you’ve brought along Makita’s latest power tool: a cordless microwave that zaps instead of cuts.


Two U.S. Senators proposed legislation on Wednesday that would track all balloons in the nation’s airspace in the wake of four balloons shot down last month, including one identified as a Chinese surveillance balloon.


Balloons are so hot right now, and not just the ones getting shot down by military jets. A startup in Japan wants to send people to the edge of space using a helium-filled balloon, and to do so affordably, but the chosen passenger cabin leaves much to be desired.


Gizmodo : Politics

In the age we live in, what’s one to do if they suddenly end up next to a giant Chinese spy balloon? Why, take a selfie, of course!



It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a helium-fueled nightmare here to steal all our national security secrets!



President Joe Biden responded to senators’ calls for more information about the three unidentified flying objects that were shot down in the last week. He spoke to the American people in an address meant to alleviate fears but may have raised more questions about the unknown objects.


Unfortunately for the dedicated alien conspiracy theorists among us, the time is apparently not yet nigh to don your tinfoil hats.


In a statement on Monday, China’s government claimed the U.S. has flown more than 10 surveillance balloons into its air space without permission since last year.


Sometimes, the convenience of a ride-on mower you don’t have to push is outweighed by the inconvenience of maintaining what is essentially another vehicle.