
Seeing book authors beam with pride is one thing. When those authors are two of the main creatives behind not just the book, but its subject as well, it’s something else.


It’s not quite the same as seeing Dune: Part Two in glorious IMAX, but there’s something to be said for getting to watch the nearly three-hour sci-fi epic


As it was written, the Lisan al Gaib has gone from ruling Arrakis, to the galaxy, to Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California.


As was foretold in Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice” music video, in which Christopher Walken danced to a line from Dune (“Walk without rhythm, It won’t attract the worm”), the actor would be destined to join Frank Herbert’s sci-fi universe in Denis Villeneuve’s acclaimed adaptation.


If you hadn’t already done it after Arrival or Sicario or Blade Runner 2049, we think it’s time to officially declare that


Dune: Part Two star Josh Brolin’s resume is peppered with mega-blockbusters (see: his run as Thanos in the Avengers movies), but he hasn’t lost his quirkine


As Dune: Part Twodraws closer and closer, one thing has been on everyone’s mind as the cast and crew open up about their experiences filming the next chapt


Police were called to the scene of “Willy’s Chocolate Experience” in Glasgow, Scotland, as children burst into tears when the “immersive experience” promised in AI advertisements turned out to be a sparsely decorated warehouse.