
Just a few weeks after Discovery showed how much confidence it had in taking a Star Trek trope it knew it was good at and damn near perfecting it, this week w


Since time immemorial, the machine of movie merchandising has revealed plot details—or at the very least got people to wildly and often incorrectly speculate about them—well before a movie’s release.


Arguably the most important, game-changing event in the history of Star Wars storytelling happened 10 years ago today. On April 25, 2014, Lucasfilm announced that the Star Wars Expanded Universe was being pushed aside.


We’ve said this many times before, and will no doubt say it a least a few times before as it nears its final end this season: Star Trek: Discovery is not a subtle show.


As discussion and speculation about a fourth Tom Holland Spider-Man film continue, one constant that’s not in doubt is Tom Holland himself.


Werner Herzog has joined Bong Joon Ho’s mysterious new animated movie. Sophia Di Martino ponders Sylvie’s potential path in a future with more Loki. Plus, get a look at Sweet Tooth’s return. Spoilers get!



A month after making a controversial comparison between the biggest movie of last year and his own Netflix hit, director Zack Snyder straightened a few things


Do you still think Sucker Punch was just shy of being a truly great work? If so, Zack Snyder agrees with you—and he’s ready to make its Snyder Cut a reality.