Gizmodo : Sports

The Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, has been out for almost a week, and it’s been receiving mixed reviews. Not because it’s bad, but because it’s hard.


Friday is when the Shadow of the Erdtree drops, and it’s already shaping up to be some of the best DLC ever released for a game. In preparation for the big release, Elden Ring received a new update with a variety of changes, but the big one is adding your bestie to the fight with the last boss.



This past weekend, I sat down to bring an end to a story I have been following for the best part of the last 10 years of my life: Bungie’s Destiny saga, told across two games, myriad expansions, seasons of living-game content, and many crushing highs and lows, came to what has long been shaped as its first proper end.


Gearbox’s Borderlands games are known for quite a few things, but the biggest among those is arguably its sense of humor. It was Borderlands 2 where the franchise’s sense of comedy really took shape, and the series has since been littered with humor largely in the vein of crass or internet humor.


Steam’s refund policy for games is simple: You have two hours to play the game after you buy it to decide if you want to keep it. Like all good things, some folks decided to take advantage of a loophole, and now Valve has changed its policy to close it.



Fallout’s first season took the bold step of jumping a good chunk beyond the events of any game in the beloved post-apocalyptic RPG series so far, to tell its own


There’s a lot of video games set to get TV or film adaptations in the next few years, and even more that seem like they’d be ripe for the picking.


The world it takes place in may have ended, but Fallout will continue—the Prime Video adaptation of