
The inexorable march toward the grave continues for all of us, though at the very least, we don’t have a capricious deity named Apple deciding our fate.


I have been an iPhone user for the past seven years. However, I recently spent a few weeks with the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.


According to Apple analystMing-Chi Kuo, there’s a possibility we could get a longer battery life on the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro Max, which will be expected to launch


If you were hoping that all your cultish rituals and stuck voodoo dolls would make the iPhone FineWoven cases meet an untimely end, then you don’t know Apple. After one Apple tipster asserted that the maligned iPhone cases would soon be as dead as the Dodo, we may instead be looking at a whole new slate of case…



Anybody who has seen the 1999 film Audition knows that Takashi Miike is one sick puppy. Known for his extremely graphic horror films, Miike has made some of the most visually inventive and frightening movies I’ve ever seen.


Apple’s Finewoven case for the iPhone 15 has received so many returns that Amazon has started putting a warning label on the product. What, exactly, is the issue? Many people are complaining it’s uncomfortable to hold and scratches easily.


In recent years, “drop tests” have become a popular way to test the durability of new iPhones and their cases.


France may finally allow Apple to sell iPhone 12s in the country again after Apple has seemingly met the country’s electromagnetic radiation standards.