Tech Insider
Elon Musk next to picture of Haraldur Thorleifsson
Elon Musk (left) engaged in a Twitter spat with former employee Haraldur Thorleifsson.
Gizmodo : Economy, Business

Uber is reportedly pursuing an unorthodox approach to performance reviews at the ride-share company.


Meta may be gearing up for yet another round of layoffs as employees report receiving lower-than-average performance reviews this week.

Tech Insider

Happy V-Day (or Singles Awareness Day), reader — whatever you celebrate. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I'm just happy you're here. 3

I'm also just happy to be at Insider. Writing a newsletter like this was actually beyond anything I ever imagined. While maybe I should dream bigger, keeping expectations low could also be a good thing — people shouldn't dream of labor.


Google miscalculated the number of stocks laid-off employees were told they would receive as part of a severance package last month. The company laid off 12,000 employees, marking the largest round of layoffs since Google’s inception.

Gizmodo : Economy

Silicon Valley layoffs have become commonplace in the last several months as one after another announced they were letting staff go.

Tech Insider : Economy
Online testing and assessment, quality monitoring
Some employees are "career cushioning" to protect themselves in case they are laid off.