Tech Insider
Round white storage tanks at China's first first solar-powered green hydrogen pilot project in Xinjiang.
Storage tanks at China's first first solar-powered green hydrogen pilot project in Xinjiang.
Tech Insider : Economy
Amid the rising tide of the ocean's waves are floating ephemera of environmental marketing: A large orange billboard that says
Campaigns to help the environment aren't working. We need better messaging.
Tech Insider

The tiny, overcrowded Carti Sugtupu will soon vanish under rising sea levels, forcing the Indigenous Guna people to abandon their island home. Hundreds are expected to relocate to Panama's mainland in early 2024, after more than a decade of government delays.

Tech Insider
A Black female electrician works on an electrical box wearing a blue jumpsuit and white helmet
Only 2% of electricians are women and nearly 80% are white, federal data shows.
Tech Insider
Climate protesters gather on Madison Avenue in New York City
Climate activists marched on Madison Avenue while protesting energy policy and the use of fossil fuels during New York's Climate Week.
Tech Insider : Economy
Dale Murden in his orange farm.
Dale Murden walks through drought-afflicted citrus fields on his farm.

Two trillion, six-hundred and fifteen billion dollars.

Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Owner of farm in orange orchard.
Dale Murden on his farm in Texas.

This article is part of Insider's "The True Cost of Extreme Weather" project. Read more here.

Tech Insider
A portrait photo of Lois Nigrin standing in front of foliage.
Lois Nigrin, 59, feels lucky to be alive today.

This article is part of Insider's "The True Cost of Extreme Weather" project. Read more here.

Tech Insider : Economy
Barb Grant holding image of building flooding.
Barb Grant still recalls how devastating it was when floods hit the Iowa nonprofit she runs.

This article is part of Insider's "The True Cost of Extreme Weather" project. Read more here.