
In a study out this week, scientists describe a novel experimental pill that may be able to help patients with a difficult-to-treat form of leukemia. Nearly half of patients in the Phase I trial responded to the treatment, called revumenib, while about a third experienced a complete remission of their cancer. More…


Doctors say they’ve likely cured yet another person of HIV using a specialized form of stem cell transplant. The patient has remained HIV-free for six years and is the first known woman to have successfully undergone the procedure. The doctors used a novel technique that transplanted stem cells from a relative and a…



We know them in death. We know how they died, some of what they ate, how they grew, where they may have roamed, and even if they suffered from disease or injury. Preserved bones can tell us a lot, but perhaps just as interesting are the stories they left in traces, where their behavior, even for one moment, is…

Gizmodo : Environment

Fungi are some of the strangest living things on Earth. Some are single-celled organisms like bacteria, other are multicellular beings akin to plants and animals. Some can even shapeshift between these forms of life. However they look, they’re an integral part of the environment: Many fungi act as nature’s recyclers,…


On Thursday, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and a gaggle of Democrats introduced a new bill that would cap insulin drug prices to just $20 per vial no matter which company is making it.



To most humans, a fruit fly larva doesn’t look like much: a pale, wriggling, rice grain-shaped maggot, just a few millimeters in length.


A team of scientists appears to be on track toward developing an effective treatment for drunkenness. In research out this week, they were able to quickly sober up drunk mice by boosting their levels of a naturally produced hormone called FGF21. More research will need to be done, but the team believes that FGF21…


Florida health officials say a man recently died from a brain-eating amoeba called Naegleria fowleri—an infection likely caught from rinsing his sinuses with tap water. These infections are incredibly rare but almost always lethal, and they have been previously linked to nasal rinsing, such as through the use of neti…


An Insulin drugmaker announced it is making its drug more affordable for some diabetics and is capping the out-of-pocket cost at $35 per month. Eli Lilly is making Insulin immediately available to seniors on Medicare. It’s welcome news to the many Americans who rely on insulin, as the cost of care has soared in recent…

Gizmodo : Environment

Elizabeth Clare’s airborne eDNA project is a winner of the 2023 Gizmodo Science Fair for demonstrating a way to use airborne DNA to reveal which species are present in an environment.