Tech Insider
Elon Musk (left) and Sam Altman (right).
Elon Musk (left) and Sam Altman (right).
Tech Insider
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman (left) and Elon Musk (right).
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Elon Musk.
Tech Insider
Sam Altman WWDC
Sam Altman attends Apple's WWDC on June 10.
Tech Insider : Economy
Four neckties and a hammer
The clear way to save Silicon Valley is to return the industry to the people who actually build tech to solve problems.
Tech Insider
sam with gold megaphone
Sam Altman is quite the hype man for AI. You might say he's the ultimate "personality hire."
Tech Insider
A photo of Sam Altman's face repeated three times.
OpenAI's negative news cycle continues, with concerns over safety, NDAs, and Sam Altman's conflicts of interest.
Tech Insider
A black-and-white photo of Sam Altman repeated three times on an orange-to-pink gradient background.
Sam Altman and other leaders of AI are under fire by former and current employees.
Tech Insider
Sam Altman
Sam Altman is a prolific investor.
Tech Insider
Paul Graham Y Combinator
Paul Graham said he and his wife gave Altman a choice between OpenAI and Y Combinator.