Tech Insider : Economy
A woman at work receiving feedback in a meeting
Good feedback is vital for retaining top performers, though they are the ones who aren't getting it (stock image).
Tech Insider : Economy
Gen Z woman holding her phone looking successful outside a big office building
Gen Zers feel they are being discriminated against while they search for jobs.
Tech Insider
sam with gold megaphone
Sam Altman is quite the hype man for AI. You might say he's the ultimate "personality hire."
Tech Insider
Women in business suit in a classroom
Akansha Jain, 38, worked as an Chartered Accountant for 10 years before quitting to pursue soft skills.
Tech Insider
Illustration of people working together to form an idea
People are going to need more skills like teamwork and leadership as technology shifts how we do our jobs.
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Illustration of people working together
More of us will have to brush up on our soft skills to keep up at work.
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phone with microsoft outlook logo
Microsoft's corporate customers should be on the lookout for an upgrade to Microsoft 365 on November 1.
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People walking at Google
70% of Gen Z want to climb up the corporate ladder to the C-suite, an Adobe Survey found.