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Young businesswoman looking at a tablet next to an office window

By Kelly Ducourty, Chief Customer Officer at UiPath 

AI has become ubiquitous, driving companies to explore its applications for revenue growth, enhanced customer experiences, improved employee experiences, and competitive advantage. 

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An astronaut walks across the surface of Mars

How immersive technologies and the enterprise metaverse could positively transform the way we think about agile project execution.   

Tech Insider
Metal plating Tanaka Japan

Semiconductors and charging connectors are indispensable for smartphones, personal computers, and digital home appliances. Right now, metal plating is attracting attention as a technology that will support the improved performance of such products.

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Two people walking on a large soil field
Schiff Farms Inc. in Delaware is the recipient of NUTRO's 2023 inaugural Soil Growth Grant in the amount of $150,000.
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Microsoft's SQL Server on Azure VM offers SQL Server functionality with cloud benefits

Microsoft Azure offers cloud benefits with familiar functionality.