Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Politics
Older adult couple facing away from the camera
Mary Dacus, 69, said she and her husband (not pictured) live off their Social Security income.
Tech Insider : Economy
Grocery shopping
Food inflation is hitting older adults hard.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
baby boomer
  • The baby-boomer "time bomb" is finally upon us, economists say.
  • All boomers will be at least 65 soon, the generation's point of "peak burden" on the economy.
  • Future generations can take solace in the fact that no boomer-size generations are in the making.

A time bomb has been ticking in the US.

Tech Insider : Economy
April Schultz and her husband
April Schultz and her husband make about $130,000 a year but barely have money for savings.
Tech Insider : Economy
A hand puts coins into a jar labeled
Cathy said she's nervous about retirement even though she's worked her whole life and has a master's degree.
Tech Insider : Economy
Arlington, Virginia.
Arlington, Virginia, retirees have the highest retirement income nationwide.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Gen X woman on a train
Gen Xers are already dealing with their own economic concerns.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Politics
An older man sits on the  beach, looking out at the sea
David Kirsch, 64, (not pictured) is worried his Social Security and 401(k) won't be enough to live off of in retirement.