Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Retired couple standing on a cruise ship.
About a third of Americans plan to rely on Social Security income during retirement.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Travel
A photo of George in Munich, Germany. George is an American who lives and works abroad.
George, an American, lives and works in Munich. He loves the lifestyle but plans on retiring in the US for Medicare benefits.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Older couple grocery shopping.
For many boomers without retirement savings, Social Security isn't enough to cover daily expenses.
Tech Insider : Economy
Toy versions of Geriatric Millenials, Peak Boomers, and FIRE

Can you spot the difference between an ALICE and a HENRY? Are you too much of a dingus to know your DINKs? Would you ever consider joining the FIRE movement?

Tech Insider : Economy
Sam Mitchell and his dog
Sam Mitchell lives in a tiny home in upstate New York and a trailer home in Florida.
Tech Insider : Economy
A hand puts coins into a jar labeled
Cathy said she's nervous about retirement even though she's worked her whole life and has a master's degree.