Tech Insider
A photo of real AirPods next to counterfeit under a CT scan.
Your fake AirPods may be able to fool others at a glance, but Lumafield used a CT scanner to show what's really going on with counterfeits.
Tech Insider
Corning Life Sciences scientist looking at test tubes inside of a tank
Thanks to support from Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR), Corning Life Sciences has been able to quickly scale up its operations in the region.
Tech Insider

In 2007, Israel set up blockades around the Gaza Strip, claiming that many everyday items could also be used to make weapons.


For years, Marc Andreessen has had so much money he’s barely known what to do with himself.

Tech Insider : Environment
A photo of a building covered in vegetation to increase cooling.
A view of the Park Royal Collection Hotel at Pickering Street in Singapore.
Tech Insider
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Tech Insider : Technology

ChatGPT brought generative AI into the limelight when it hit 1 million users in five days. But how valid is the buzz around ChatGPT? We unpack what you need to know: How does generative AI work? Who are the key players? Is ChatGPT ready for prime time? And most importantly: How will the technology change the way we do business?

Tech Insider : Technology

ChatGPT has received a lot of press since its November 2022 launch. But while interest in the tool is high almost everywhere, its use is not yet universal.

Generative AI State of Play Around the World, Feb 2023