
The story of Star Wars’ dark side has long been defined by temptation—a temptation to power, a temptation to save people no matter the cost, a temptation for forces to influence, and corrupt, even the most careful practitioner.


Since early 2020, many of Marvel’s primary Star Wars comics—the main Star Wars series, Darth Vader, and the already concluded Doctor Aphra and Bounty Hunters—shifted to a new period in the timeline of the original movies: the immediate days and weeks after the events of The Empire Strikes Back.


Star Wars is filled with half-truths. Even as its fans crave the reliability of a rigorously defined canon, the saga has always played in the realm of mythologizing itself, and twisting what we’ve been told in new lights.


Disney Parks’ first venture into making one of their lands immersive opened five years ago today—May 31, 2019—inviting guests to live out their own Star Wars ad