
Ahmed Best—the man who brought Jar Jar Binks to life and then faced decades of horrifying harassment for it—shouldn’t have needed a Star Wars redemption arc, but he arguably has had one of a sort in the last few years, beyond a renaissance of


Last week Hot Toys surprised Star Wars fans with a two-for-one reveal that the toymaker would start to dip into the world of Star Wars “Legends”—the contemporary name for the galaxy far, far away’s former canon in


Across three seasons, The Bad Batch laid out a vast swath of plot threads around the rise of the Empire era beyond its titular squad of renegade clones.


Today Lucasfilm gave us a surprise first look at the next Star Wars animated series—not an ongoing successor to The Bad Batch as it enters its


Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire trilogy is, even now, still the definitive Star Wars text to many people beyond the films—one that we still see the reach and influence of to this very day, considering Disney and Lucasfilm are setting the stage to


Typical Empire. It hears its name on a building or a state and it just swoops in there and takes it over.


In current Star Wars canon, the plot to steal the Death Star’s technical plans is incredibly straight forward: it’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the tale of Galen Erso’s sacrifice and the ragtag team that swooped down to Scarif and gave their lives to ensure that data fell into Rebel hands.


Nearly three decades ago, Dark Forces hit the PC with all the firepower of a fully armed and operational battle station—and in doing so helped revolutionize gaming, Star Wars or otherwise.