Tech Insider : Economy
Man waiting for a job interview.
Young NEETs — those not in education, employment, or training — are on the rise (stock image.)
Tech Insider : Politics

Narendra Modi won his third term as India's prime minister, but his narrow win sent stocks plummeting, and his foreign partnerships could be at stake.

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Businessman Looking at 'Help Wanted' Sign that appears as a Giant Hurdle Before him
Because of America's broken unemployment insurance system, the way firings are handled might affect whether young guys can get hired in the first place.
Tech Insider : Economy
Two folks sleeping on money beds with one fast asleep and the other wide awake
The wealthiest parts of America tend to sleep much better than low-income areas.

Sleep is the great unifier. Everyone needs it to repair cells, store memories, and balance emotions. It also helps us solve complex problems — ever need to just "sleep on it"?

Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
deglobalization recession downturn inflation
Rising unemployment in 21 US states points to a recession later this year, Piper Sandler's Nancy Lazar says.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
deglobalization recession downturn inflation
The economy will sink into recession by the end of the year, says Piper Sandler's top economist.