
He’s thick, he’s green, he’s saving the galaxy from here to Tatooine! Yes, that’s right. Kit Fisto has finally gotten his very own Hot Toys figure. And “hot” is the correct word here, right? Those eyes? Those tentacles?


Ruling the galaxy with an iron fist and a not-insignificant amount of planet-sized battle stations is tiring work, and that’s even before you get to sexing your way to an immo


Seeing Hayden Christensen get his due and recognition has been one the best things to come out of the Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau universe of shows.


This was it. The Anakin Skywalker episode. After the legendary character—Ahsoka Tano’s former Jedi master—showed up at the end of the previous episode, hype and expectations were at an all-time high. This episode of Ahsoka was even playing on the big screen in certain cities.