
We might be getting a lot of new Star Wars this year, but when it comes to new Star Wars toys, Hasbro is playing things close to the vest so far for 2024.


A second season of Ahsoka hasn’t been officially announced yet, but showrunner Dave Filoni has begun to share some of its possibilities.



In Star Wars, nothing is ever really gone, especially if you’re a contemporary streaming show on


It’s mind-blowing to think Ahsoka is already over. Fans waited years to see how the character’s story would continue and now, a mere eight episodes later, a major piece of that story has come to its end.


This was it. The Anakin Skywalker episode. After the legendary character—Ahsoka Tano’s former Jedi master—showed up at the end of the previous episode, hype and expectations were at an all-time high. This episode of Ahsoka was even playing on the big screen in certain cities.


After the successful impact of NASA’s DART mission on the Dimorphos asteroid, scientists have encountered a series of unexpected outcomes, the latest being the unanticipated lengthening of the asteroid’s orbital period around its larger partner, Didymos.



We’ve known for a while that Hasbro’s latest Star Wars crowdfunder—first launched at San Diego Comic-Con this summer—


That sound you heard last night was the internet breaking over just how enjoyable the latest episode of Star Wars: Ahsoka was.