Tech Insider
A hand holding money forming a diagonal line across a red circle
Chris Williams, a former Microsoft VP of HR, said your company might feel like they've been held hostage if forced to make a counteroffer to keep you.
Tech Insider
Eric Carrell standing in front of white wall with arms crossed
Eric Carrell quit his job when he got a higher offer. Six months later, he was fired from the new role.
Tech Insider
Genevieve and her partner taking a selfie at the Pride parade
Geneviève Laforce said she hated her partner's generosity because she didn't have the means to reciprocate.
Tech Insider
Grace Ryu and her dad working at the hospital.
Grace Ryu often takes selfies with her dad when they pass each other at work in the same hospital.
Tech Insider
Deepali Vyas headshot wearing a red blazer.
Corporate recruiter, Deepali Vyas says the difference between executives landing their dream job or being rejected often comes down to the smallest details.
Tech Insider
Angelica holding her baby while standing in a field of sunflowers
Angelica Miller said she used the layoff as an opportunity to rest and spend some time with family.
Tech Insider
Concept image of a man relaxing with feet on desk against a background of rushing people depicting stress free, relaxed attitude to work.
Valerie Rodriguez suggests hanging out at company functions for only an hour or two.