Tech Insider : Travel
Regina Beraldo Kihwele and Russian friends on the first night at North Korea's Songdowon International Children's Camp in the summer of 2016.
Regina Beraldo Kihwele on the first night at North Korea's Songdowon International Children's Camp in the summer of 2016.
Tech Insider : Environment

Sand is the most mined resource in the world. But extracting it from lakes and rivers comes at a deadly cost — and could have dire consequences for the environment.

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Marrakech and an EV production line.
Marrakech, Morocco, and an EV production line.
Tech Insider
Two recovering Kush addicts sit on their beds at the Kissy Mental Hospital in Freetown on June 22, 2023.
Two recovering Kush users at a hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on June 22, 2023.
Tech Insider
Two people water plants in a mesh-enclosed garden in Senegal
Since 2007, a variety of projects have started as part of the Great Green Wall, including growing gardens in Senegal.
Tech Insider : Travel

Correction: An earlier version of this story misstated the amount of feed Acipenser produces each month. It is about 60 metric tons per month, not kilograms. Business Insider also misstated that Acipenser released male Sturgeon into Lake Mantasoa. This has been removed.