Tech Insider
Screenshot of virtual panel event with (top row from the left): Akin Oyedele; Jesse Rose; Kristen Craft (bottom row from the left): Ash Spiegelberg; Elizabeth Reed; Rick Kline
Top row from left: Akin Oyedele, Jesse Rose, and Kristen Craft. Bottom row from left: Ash Spiegelberg, Elizabeth Reed, and Rick Kline.
Tech Insider : Travel, Sports, Travel
Visitors pose for pictures near the Olympic rings in front of the Louvre Pyramid.
The Louvre was filled with tourists around the 2024 Olympics.
Tech Insider
Kerry Blum, Goldman Sachs
Kerry Blum, the global head of the equity-structuring group within private-wealth management at Goldman Sachs.
Tech Insider
Photo collage showing two elderly patients using VR headsets during physical therapy: one patient is standing, and the other stands beside a a physical therapist holding weights