Tech Insider
A hand holding money forming a diagonal line across a red circle
Chris Williams, a former Microsoft VP of HR, said your company might feel like they've been held hostage if forced to make a counteroffer to keep you.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
A turtle on a beach chair
"Slowcations" are long trips that are full of cultural immersion and relaxation in one country or destination.
Tech Insider : Politics
Elon Musk and Donald Trump

No one has torched their image in service of Donald Trump like Elon Musk has.

Tech Insider : Economy
Luxury products amid a city

The Italian carmaker Pagani produces fewer than 100 vehicles a year, and each comes with a seven-figure price tag. The brand is known among gearheads for its attention to detail and air of exclusivity, qualities that Pagani hopes will translate to its next project: luxury condominiums.