Tech Insider : Politics
An illustration of a clock, pregnant women, hands, money, and ultrasounds

Tara couldn't afford to keep the baby.

It was fall 2021, and she and her husband were "totally broke and really struggling," she said.

Tech Insider
Ted Underwood
Our greatest AI visionary isn't Sam Altman or Bill Gates. It's Ted Underwood, an English professor at the University of Illinois.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of scientists looking at someone working on a screen

Can a machine tell that you're mad just by looking at your face? Do your emails give away how stressed you are? Could a computer understand your emotions better than you?

Tech Insider : Politics
Vladamir Putin and Peter Theil
According to Peter Thiel, the Kremlin reached out to him through Daniil Bisslinger, a Russian diplomat. The German investor Christian Angermayer is the one who introduced them, Thiel said.
Tech Insider
Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio, the billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates, at times exhibited a short fuse with his employees, according to a new book.