Tech Insider
Illustration of a black hole obliterating a planet.
Illustration of a black hole obliterating a planet.
Tech Insider
An artist's impression show a black hole sucking material from a star
An artist's impression shows a microquasar that allowed scientists to find the location of a natural particle accelerator.
Tech Insider
A picture from JWST shows the location of a distant galaxy called UHT-1 and its black hole.
A picture taken by JWST and Chandra X-ray observatory shows the location of a UHZ-1 and its black hole near the beginning of the universe.
Tech Insider
A picture shows a star near the region where the Sagittarius  A* black hole should be. The picture looks like yellow blobs on a dark background, two circles highlight the location of the star and the black hole.
A star called S0-6 (circled in blue), was found near the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*, circled in green) at the center of the Milky Way.
Tech Insider
An artist's impression shows a jet of matter spewing from a black hole.
An artist's impression of a tidal disruption event. New research suggests that, contrary to what was previously thought, black holes can spew remnants of stars years after swallowing them.