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racecar driver wearing red firestone cap with wreath of flowers over shoulders chugs milk from a glass bottle
Driver Tony Kanaan of Brazil takes the traditional drink of milk after winning the 97th running of the Indianapolis 500 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Tech Insider
A group of rats eating food on a set of brick stairs
The FDA uncovered a severe rodent infestation in January 2022 at a Family Dollar warehouse. The photo does not show the warehouse in question.
Tech Insider
A cartoon depicting William Pitt, left, sitting at a table with Napoleon Bonaparte, right, both dressed in military uniform and hat, with each carving a large plum pudding on which is a map of the world, with Pitt's slice larger than Napoleon's.
Napoleon wanted to conquer the world, but he lost thousands of soldiers to starvation, disease, and hypothermia.
Tech Insider
Rick Scott
Florida Senator Rick Scott says that garlic imported from China has been fertilized with human feces.
Tech Insider

Hate to break it to you, but your truffle oil wasn't made from truffles. Your vanilla extract? Well, that's probably just a lab-made derivative of crude oil. And your shaker of Parmesan cheese? It probably has wood pulp inside.