Gizmodo : Environment

If you’ve opened TikTok recently, you may have seen a collection of videos under the hashtag #StopWillow, some of which have racked up hundreds of thousands of views, imploring people to take action against a controversial new oil project. (“There won’t [be] a healthy planet for your kids if Biden goes through with…

Gizmodo : Environment

BP is raking in a huge amount of cash these days on oil, so it wants you to ignore all those lofty promises it made about the climate just a few years ago.


Gizmodo : Environment

If by some miracle you had a great 2022, you’re not alone. At least two of the world’s biggest oil corporations thoroughly rocked last year. In fact, for ExxonMobil and Chevron, 2022 wasn’t just a good year—it was the best one ever.