
Have you ever wondered what your favorite memes might look like if they were animated? Well, wonder no longer. Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence technology, you can now see those static images come to life. And they look like absolute dogshit.


Just a few weeks after Discovery showed how much confidence it had in taking a Star Trek trope it knew it was good at and damn near perfecting it, this week w


A lot of Star Trek opinion is based on the paradoxical idea that the series within the franchise simply “get good” at some point.


This week, Star Trek: Discovery kicked off its final season with a bold adventure—one with intimate ties to a classic Star Trek: The Next Generation story no other


Star Trek has rarely been a series suited to action figures.


For almost three decades, one of the most famous pieces of furniture in Star Trek history was lost. The Captain’s chair of the U.S.S.


Physical media is the best. Maybe it’s the fact that the internet has taken over our lives and is now swiftly being enshittified.


It is a banner week for questionable Star Trek anniversaries, but while earlier this week we found at least something to admire in Voyager’s bold exploration of the Warp 10 threshold and space-amphibian evolution, there is very little to admire in the other major milestone.