Gizmodo : Environment

Fragments from a defunct Russian satellite have formed a large cloud of debris in low Earth orbit, posing a potential threat to the International Space Station (ISS) and with the crew having to take shelter while mission control checked for the chances of collision.


Gizmodo : Environment

Late last year, a communications satellite unfurled its giant wings, stretching out a 693-square-foot (64-square-meter) antenna array in low Earth orbit. Once fully deployed, BlueWalker 3 became one of the brightest objects in the night sky, outshined only by the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and seven stars, according to new…


Gizmodo : Politics

A secretive launch planned for this week from Florida’s Cape Canaveral could be a test of a hypersonic weapon as the U.S. tries to catch up with the speedy missiles of Russia and China.