
Apple makes sleek, fast, easy-to-use products. They’re cross compatible, which makes moving from your iPhone to your Macbook simple and easy, whether you’re copying text or going from podcasts on your phone to Youtube on your computer. Apple also makes your life more annoying, more expensive, and less secure in a…

Gizmodo : Politics

A fast-tracked, vague Republican bill granting the Biden administration the ability to impose a nationwide TikTok ban moved a step closer toward legality on Tuesday after passing a vote in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The sweeping new legislation, if passed into law, would grant the Biden administration the…


Radiohead’s seminal 2007 album In Rainbows, is one of alt-rock’s all-time greatest releases. Yeah, I don’t have any qualifications to say that, but sue me, I love it. It basically set the tone of my taste in music. In that same way, Super Mario 64 was my first platformer. I was so bad at it, I routinely failed to win…


Android users in India will soon have more control over their devices, thanks to a court ruling. Beginning next month, Indian Android wielders can choose a different billing system when paying for apps and in-app smartphone purchases rather than default to going through the Play Store. Google will also allow Indian…