
Ask the average person what high-profile actor should join the MCU that already hasn’t, and Giancarlo Esposito will be one of the common answers.


After a couple of bumper months—and with eyes looking ahead to next month’s celebration of Star Wars day—Lego is keeping things a little more quiet in April.


The shadow of Peter Parker hovers over every Spider-hero, and none more than Miles Morales.


When Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 hits the PS5 at the end of the week, Spidey fans will catch up a little while into Peter Parker and Miles Morales’ tenure as the Spider-Men

Gizmodo : Sports

Hasbro’s movie-based side of Marvel Legends is about to swing into high gear with a brand new wave based on Spider-Man: No Way Home—and if you were patiently waiting through the company’s past releases from the movie expecting certain heroes and villains, your wait is about to pay of


Throughout the decades, Spider-Man has swung from one medium to another, each with varying levels of success.