
Microsoft secretly rolled out a new feature into its Bing AI preview that lets users emulate certain famous people. It does a, let’s just say, “interesting” job at emulating some celebrities’ speech patterns. We also took a look at what it’s allowed to say on behalf of some extremely controversial or hateful figures.

Gizmodo : Politics

China accused the U.S. of stealing its technological autonomy in a press conference on Monday, Reuters reported. Spokesperson Mao Ning claimed that by imposing various TikTok bans, “the U.S.

Gizmodo : Politics

In less than a year, Ukraine’s military has emerged as a modern, effective fighting force in large part due to an abundance of technology provided by the United States and its NATO allies.



Apple makes sleek, fast, easy-to-use products. They’re cross compatible, which makes moving from your iPhone to your Macbook simple and easy, whether you’re copying text or going from podcasts on your phone to Youtube on your computer. Apple also makes your life more annoying, more expensive, and less secure in a…


Since taking office, Joe Biden has made it known that he’s going to take cybercrime seriously. It’s not the case that Biden is the world’s most tech-savvy octonarian, rather, he’s simply responding to security challenges that have developed on his watch—most notably a string of increasingly destructive cyberattacks…


There’s pretty much nothing cooler than old computers and Rocky Bergen, a visual artist from Canada, has spent years creating paper replicas of them. From early Apple models to Ataris to Commodores and early IBM PCs, Bergen manages to work up visceral recreations of retro hardware that look almost exactly like the…


A bill introduced Thursday in response to the reversal of Roe v. Wade would enshrine first-of-its kind protections for location data and health information. If it passes, it has the potential to be one of the most significant privacy laws in American history.



Sorry to all those folks who shelled out for that big expensive Meta Quest Pro headset when it launched for $1,500 in October. A little under a half year after release, Meta has decided to slash the price of its most-recent VR offering by over a third.


Gizmodo : Environment

The steadily growing satellite population has been posing challenges for ground-based astronomy, but new research reveals that space-based telescopes like Hubble are also suffering.