
This week, gaming giant Activision revealed that a cybercriminal had managed to get inside of its network late last year. How did the hacker do that, exactly? Better take a guess. Is the answer...



The Webb Space Telescope has spotted six pinpricks of reddish-orange light that scientists say are actually galaxies as mature as the Milky Way—despite being billions of years younger.



On October 26, 1984, Orion Pictures released The Terminator, a movie about genocidal AI-powered robots unleashed by a tech company. Unfortunately, the executives at Microsoft must have been doing something else that day. As part of an ongoing partnership with OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT, Microsoft’s next plan is…


The very artificial yet not so intelligent Bing AI is getting even more integrations into Microsoft products. All the while, the tech giant is busy playing hot potato with how much power it’s willing to give its sophisticated chatbot, a problem the company has been evidently dealing with more more than a year.


The iPhone 15 Pro won’t be available until nearly the end of the year, but there is already plenty to report from the supply chain overseas. The latest bit comes from Taiwanese supply chain research firm TrendForce, which claims Apple has upped its RAM order on the iPhone 15 Pro.


Israel’s first space telescope is set to reach geostationary orbit in 2026, and NASA is going to get it there, the agency announced Tuesday.


U.S. Supreme Court justices may be many things, but they definitely aren’t social media experts. The justices roasted themselves during oral arguments Tuesday of a case against Google that could determine the fate of nearly all speech online. Tech companies and advocates fear a ruling against Google could…


It’s time to start wondering what the Google Pixel Fold might be like when Google eventually announces it. Right now, Samsung is Google’s biggest hardware competitor in the Android space, and the South Korean company is also the far-and-away leader in the folding hardware category. So it’s not surprising that the…


Although blocking out a plane’s engine noise on a long flight is probably the best use-case scenario, there are good reasons to leave your pricey, $400+ ANC headphones at home when traveling.


When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he gave employees one week to turn verification into a paid service. To many, the idea that anyone would pay for a blue check on Twitter seemed absurd, and even undermined the very idea of verification. The joke may be on us, it turns out.