
Ashley Madison promotes itself as a dating site that helps people cheat on their partners. But newly released consumer complaints filed with the FTC, obtained exclusively by Gizmodo, should probably give any potential cheaters pause. The site is lousy with extortion attempts, to put it mildly.


It’s Day 10 of Gizmodo’s March Madness bracket challenge to name the greatest app of all time! SwiftKey pulled off a surprise upset yesterday, eliminating Telegram and advancing to the next round. Today, we have two apps that don’t get a lot of attention but have changed the game in their own ways.


Tech Insider
Illustration of a Zoom Call
Researchers just created the largest-ever database of how we interact on video-chat. Here's what they found.

The very artificial yet not so intelligent Bing AI is getting even more integrations into Microsoft products. All the while, the tech giant is busy playing hot potato with how much power it’s willing to give its sophisticated chatbot, a problem the company has been evidently dealing with more more than a year.