Tech Insider
Tech billionaires living forever
From Sam Altman (from top left, clockwise) to Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Sergey Brin, many of the world's wealthiest billionaires seem to be on a quest for the fountain of youth.
Tech Insider
Hassabis and Thiel
Demis Hassabis used his knowledge of chess to win DeepMind's first major investment from Peter Thiel.
Tech Insider : Politics
Vladamir Putin and Peter Theil
According to Peter Thiel, the Kremlin reached out to him through Daniil Bisslinger, a Russian diplomat. The German investor Christian Angermayer is the one who introduced them, Thiel said.
Tech Insider : Politics
Peter Thiel
Billionaire Peter Thiel holds cash during a cryptocurrency conference.
Tech Insider : Politics
The FBI seal.
The FBI seal int the Flag Room at Headquarters
Tech Insider : Politics
Peter Theil overlayed with the FBI symbol
Peter Thiel became an FBI informant in the summer of 2021, Insider has learned.

Peter Thiel has worn many hats over the years: Silicon Valley founder, Trump megadonor, cryptocurrency booster, democracy skeptic.

Tech Insider : Politics, Politics
Donald Trump and Peter Thiel sitting at a conference table.
Thiel, once a loud and proud conservative, has grown quiet on his support for former President Donald Trump, and now Trump is fighting back.