
Noise-canceling headphones offer a tech bro’s solution to the world of sound. They deem everything in your natural environment as “noise” that can be canceled out, allowing you to purely listen to your devices. The technology is generally considered good for your ears by reducing the overall noise levels you’re…


The Thai manufacturer of the Elide Fire Extinguishing Balls, a product that claims to activate automatically in case of a fire and release fire retardant chemicals to help put it out, is pushing back on


The Consumer Product Safety Commission is telling consumers to immediately stop using Elide Fire Extinguishing Balls, a product that claims to activate automatically in case of a fire and release fire retardant chemicals to put it out.


Gizmodo : Environment

An unusual surge of respiratory illness has been plaguing China in recent months, with increased cases of pneumonia affecting children in particular. Despite some early confusion, however, local health officials say these cases are not being caused by a novel germ. Instead, the surge is likely tied to a mix of known…



Amazon is reportedly responsible for more injuries than previously thought, according to a new study published Wednesday. The retail giant employs one of the largest numbers of warehouse workers in the U.S., boasting of a workforce exceeding 700,000 people, but recent investigations questioned the safety and health of…


Scientists may be closer to unraveling the mysteries of long covid. New research this week has found several potentially key differences in the blood of people diagnosed with the chronic ailment compared to those who were not. These differences could help scientists develop accurate diagnostic tests for the condition…